Interface ScriptCommands

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void addSelection​(java.lang.String select, java.lang.String option)
      Adds the given option of the given select to the current selection.
      void assertAttribute​(java.lang.String attributeLocator, java.lang.String textPattern)
      Asserts that the value of the attribute identified by the given attribute locator matches the given text pattern.
      void assertAttribute​(java.lang.String elementLocator, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String textPattern)
      Asserts that the value of the attribute identified by the given element locator and attribute name matches the given text pattern.
      void assertChecked​(java.lang.String elementLocator)
      Asserts that the given checkbox/radio button is checked.
      void assertClass​(java.lang.String elementLocator, java.lang.String clazzString)
      Asserts that the given element has the given class(es).
      void assertElementCount​(java.lang.String elementLocator, int count)
      Asserts that the number of elements found by using the given element locator is equal to the given count.
      void assertElementCount​(java.lang.String elementLocator, java.lang.String count)
      Asserts that the number of elements found by using the given element locator is equal to the given count.
      void assertElementPresent​(java.lang.String elementLocator)
      Asserts that the given element is present.
      void assertEval​(java.lang.String expression, java.lang.String textPattern)
      Asserts that evaluating the given expression matches the given text pattern.
      void assertLoadTime​(long loadTime)
      Asserts that the time needed to load a page does not exceed the given value.
      void assertLoadTime​(java.lang.String loadTime)
      Asserts that the time needed to load a page does not exceed the given value.
      void assertNotAttribute​(java.lang.String attributeLocator, java.lang.String textPattern)
      Asserts that the value of the attribute identified by the given attribute locator does NOT match the given text pattern.
      void assertNotAttribute​(java.lang.String elementLocator, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String textPattern)
      Asserts that the value of the attribute identified by the given element locator and attribute name does NOT match the given text pattern.
      void assertNotChecked​(java.lang.String elementLocator)
      Asserts that the given checkbox/radio button is unchecked.
      void assertNotClass​(java.lang.String elementLocator, java.lang.String clazzString)
      Asserts that the given element doesn't have the given class(es).
      void assertNotElementCount​(java.lang.String elementLocator, int count)
      Asserts that the number of elements found by using the given element locator is unequal to the given count.
      void assertNotElementCount​(java.lang.String elementLocator, java.lang.String count)
      Asserts that the number of elements found by using the given element locator is unequal to the given count.
      void assertNotElementPresent​(java.lang.String elementLocator)
      Asserts that the given element is not present.
      void assertNotEval​(java.lang.String expression, java.lang.String textPattern)
      Asserts that evaluating the given expression does NOT match the given text pattern.
      void assertNotSelectedId​(java.lang.String selectLocator, java.lang.String idPattern)
      Asserts that no ID of all selected options of the given select element matches the given pattern.
      void assertNotSelectedIndex​(java.lang.String selectLocator, java.lang.String indexPattern)
      Asserts that the option of the given select element at the given index is not selected.
      void assertNotSelectedLabel​(java.lang.String selectLocator, java.lang.String labelPattern)
      Asserts that no label of all selected options of the given select element matches the given pattern.
      void assertNotSelectedValue​(java.lang.String selectLocator, java.lang.String valuePattern)
      Asserts that no value of all selected options of the given select element matches the given pattern.
      void assertNotStyle​(java.lang.String elementLocator, java.lang.String styleText)
      Asserts that the effective style of the element identified by the given element locator does NOT match the given style.
      void assertNotText​(java.lang.String elementLocator, java.lang.String text)
      Asserts that the embedded text of the given element does not contain the given text.
      void assertNotTextPresent​(java.lang.String text)
      Asserts that the given text is not present on the page.
      void assertNotTitle​(java.lang.String title)
      Asserts that the page title does not match the given title.
      void assertNotValue​(java.lang.String elementLocator, java.lang.String valuePattern)
      Asserts that the value of the given element doesn't match the given value.
      void assertNotVisible​(java.lang.String elementLocator)
      Asserts that the given element is invisible.
      void assertNotXpathCount​(java.lang.String xpath, int count)
      Asserts that the number of elements locatable by the given XPath expression is not equal to the given count.
      void assertNotXpathCount​(java.lang.String xpath, java.lang.String count)
      Asserts that the number of elements locatable by the given XPath expression is not equal to the given count.
      void assertPageSize​(long pageSize)
      Asserts that the size of the actual page (including images etc.) does not exceed the given value.
      void assertPageSize​(java.lang.String pageSize)
      Asserts that the size of the actual page (including images etc.) does not exceed the given value.
      void assertSelectedId​(java.lang.String selectLocator, java.lang.String idPattern)
      Asserts that the ID of at least one selected option of the given select element matches the given pattern.
      void assertSelectedIndex​(java.lang.String selectLocator, java.lang.String indexPattern)
      Asserts that the option of the given select element at the given index is selected.
      void assertSelectedLabel​(java.lang.String selectLocator, java.lang.String labelPattern)
      Asserts that the label of at least one selected option of the given select element matches the given pattern.
      void assertSelectedValue​(java.lang.String selectLocator, java.lang.String valuePattern)
      Asserts that the value of at least one selected option of the given select element matches the given pattern.
      void assertStyle​(java.lang.String elementLocator, java.lang.String styleText)
      Asserts that the effective style of the element identified by the given element locator matches the given style.
      void assertText​(java.lang.String elementLocator, java.lang.String text)
      Asserts that the text embedded by the given element contains the given text.
      void assertTextPresent​(java.lang.String text)
      Asserts that the given text is present.
      void assertTitle​(java.lang.String title)
      Asserts that the given title matches the page title.
      void assertValue​(java.lang.String elementLocator, java.lang.String valuePattern)
      Asserts that the value of the given element matches the given value.
      void assertVisible​(java.lang.String elementLocator)
      Asserts that the given element is visible.
      void assertXpathCount​(java.lang.String xpath, int count)
      Asserts that the number of elements locatable by the given XPath expression is equal to the given count.
      void assertXpathCount​(java.lang.String xpath, java.lang.String count)
      Asserts that the number of elements locatable by the given XPath expression is equal to the given count.
      void check​(java.lang.String elementLocator)
      Checks/toggles the given element.
      void checkAndWait​(java.lang.String elementLocator)
      Checks/toggles the given element and waits for some activity to complete.
      void click​(java.lang.String elementLocator)
      Clicks the given element.
      void clickAndWait​(java.lang.String elementLocator)
      Clicks the given element and waits for some activity to complete.
      void close()
      Closes the browser.
      void contextMenu​(java.lang.String elementLocator)
      Simulates a right-click on the given element.
      void contextMenuAt​(java.lang.String elementLocator, int coordX, int coordY)
      Simulates a right-click at the given coordinates (relative to the given element).
      void contextMenuAt​(java.lang.String elementLocator, java.lang.String coordinates)
      Simulates a right-click at the given coordinates (relative to the given element).
      void createCookie​(java.lang.String cookie)
      Creates a new cookie.
      void createCookie​(java.lang.String cookie, java.lang.String options)
      Creates a new cookie.
      void deleteAllVisibleCookies()
      Removes all cookies visible to the current page.
      void deleteCookie​(java.lang.String name)
      Removes the cookie with the specified name.
      void deleteCookie​(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String options)
      Removes the cookie with the specified name.
      void doubleClick​(java.lang.String elementLocator)
      Double-clicks the given element.
      void doubleClickAndWait​(java.lang.String elementLocator)
      Double-clicks the given element and waits for some activity to complete.
      void echo​(java.lang.String message)
      Prints the given message to the log.
      void mouseDown​(java.lang.String elementLocator)
      Presses the left mouse button on an element, but does not release the button yet.
      void mouseDownAt​(java.lang.String elementLocator, int coordX, int coordY)
      Presses the left mouse button at the given coordinates (relative to the given element), but does not release the button yet.
      void mouseDownAt​(java.lang.String elementLocator, java.lang.String coordinates)
      Presses the left mouse button at the given coordinates (relative to the given element), but does not release the button yet.
      void mouseMove​(java.lang.String elementLocator)
      Moves the mouse to the given element.
      void mouseMoveAt​(java.lang.String elementLocator, int coordX, int coordY)
      Moves the mouse to the given coordinates (relative to the given element).
      void mouseMoveAt​(java.lang.String elementLocator, java.lang.String coordinates)
      Moves the mouse to the given coordinates (relative to the given element).
      void mouseOut​(java.lang.String elementLocator)
      Moves the mouse out of the element's bounding box.
      void mouseOver​(java.lang.String elementLocator)
      Hovers the mouse over an element.
      void mouseUp​(java.lang.String elementLocator)
      Releases the left mouse button on an element.
      void mouseUpAt​(java.lang.String elementLocator, int coordX, int coordY)
      Releases the left mouse button at the given coordinates (relative to the given element).
      void mouseUpAt​(java.lang.String elementLocator, java.lang.String coordinates)
      Releases the left mouse button at the given coordinates (relative to the given element).
      void open​(java.lang.String pageUrlString)
      Opens the given URL.
      void pause​(long waitingTime)
      Waits the given time.
      void pause​(java.lang.String waitingTime)
      Waits the given time.
      void removeSelection​(java.lang.String select, java.lang.String option)
      Removes the given option of the given select from the current selection.
      void select​(java.lang.String select, java.lang.String option)
      Selects the given option of the given select.
      void selectAndWait​(java.lang.String select, java.lang.String option)
      Selects the given option of the given select and waits for some activity to complete.
      void selectFrame​(java.lang.String frameTarget)
      Selects the given frame.
      void selectWindow()
      Selects the top-level window.
      void selectWindow​(java.lang.String windowTarget)
      Selects the given window.
      void setTimeout​(long timeout)
      Sets the timeout to the given value.
      void setTimeout​(java.lang.String timeout)
      Sets the timeout to the given value.
      void startAction​(java.lang.String actionName)
      Starts a new action using the given name.
      void store​(java.lang.String text, java.lang.String variableName)
      Stores the given text to the given variable.
      void storeAttribute​(java.lang.String attributeLocator, java.lang.String variableName)
      Stores the value of the attribute identified by the given attribute locator to the given variable
      void storeAttribute​(java.lang.String elementLocator, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String variableName)
      Stores the value of the given element and attribute to the given variable.
      void storeElementCount​(java.lang.String elementLocator, java.lang.String variableName)
      Stores that the number of elements found by using the given element locator to the given variable.
      void storeEval​(java.lang.String expression, java.lang.String variableName)
      Stores the result of evaluating the given expression to the given variable.
      void storeText​(java.lang.String elementLocator, java.lang.String variableName)
      Stores the text of the element identified by the given locator to the given variable.
      void storeTitle​(java.lang.String variableName)
      Stores the title of the currently active document to the given variable.
      void storeValue​(java.lang.String elementLocator, java.lang.String variableName)
      Stores the value (in case of a <textarea> the contained text) of the element identified by the given locator to the given variable.
      void storeXpathCount​(java.lang.String xpath, java.lang.String variableName)
      Stores the number of elements matching the given XPath expression to the given variable.
      void submit​(java.lang.String form)
      Submits the given form.
      void submitAndWait​(java.lang.String form)
      Submits the given form and waits for some activity to complete.
      void type​(java.lang.String elementLocator, java.lang.String text)
      Types the given text into the given input field.
      void typeAndWait​(java.lang.String elementLocator, java.lang.String text)
      Types the given text into the given input field and waits for some activity to complete.
      void uncheck​(java.lang.String elementLocator)
      Unchecks the given checkbox/radio button.
      void uncheckAndWait​(java.lang.String elementLocator)
      Unchecks the given checkbox/radio button and waits for a page load.
      void waitForAttribute​(java.lang.String attributeLocator, java.lang.String textPattern)
      Waits until the value of the attribute identified by the given attribute locator matches the given text pattern.
      void waitForAttribute​(java.lang.String elementLocator, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String textPattern)
      Waits until the value of the given element and attribute matches the given text pattern.
      void waitForChecked​(java.lang.String elementLocator)
      Waits until the given checkbox/radio button becomes checked.
      void waitForClass​(java.lang.String elementLocator, java.lang.String clazzString)
      Waits until the given element has the given class(es).
      void waitForElementCount​(java.lang.String elementLocator, int count)
      Waits until the number of elements found by using the given element locator is equal to the given count.
      void waitForElementCount​(java.lang.String elementLocator, java.lang.String count)
      Waits until the number of elements found by using the given element locator is equal to the given count.
      void waitForElementPresent​(java.lang.String elementLocator)
      Waits for the given element to appear.
      void waitForEval​(java.lang.String expression, java.lang.String textPattern)
      Waits until the result of evaluating the given expression matches the given text pattern.
      void waitForNotAttribute​(java.lang.String attributeLocator, java.lang.String textPattern)
      Waits until the value of the attribute identified by the given attribute locator does NOT match the given text pattern.
      void waitForNotAttribute​(java.lang.String elementLocator, java.lang.String attributeName, java.lang.String textPattern)
      Waits until the value of the given element and attribute does NOT match the given text pattern.
      void waitForNotChecked​(java.lang.String elementLocator)
      Waits until the given checkbox/radio button becomes unchecked.
      void waitForNotClass​(java.lang.String elementLocator, java.lang.String clazzString)
      Waits until the given element doesn't have the given class(es).
      void waitForNotElementCount​(java.lang.String elementLocator, int count)
      Waits until the number of elements found by using the given element locator is unequal to the given count.
      void waitForNotElementCount​(java.lang.String elementLocator, java.lang.String count)
      Waits until the number of elements found by using the given element locator is unequal to the given count.
      void waitForNotElementPresent​(java.lang.String elementLocator)
      Waits for the given element to disappear.
      void waitForNotEval​(java.lang.String expression, java.lang.String textPattern)
      Waits until the result of evaluating the given expression does NOT match the given text pattern.
      void waitForNotSelectedId​(java.lang.String selectLocator, java.lang.String idPattern)
      Waits until no ID of all selected options of the given select matches the given pattern.
      void waitForNotSelectedIndex​(java.lang.String selectLocator, java.lang.String indexPattern)
      Waits until the option of the given select element at the given index is not selected.
      void waitForNotSelectedLabel​(java.lang.String selectLocator, java.lang.String labelPattern)
      Waits until no label of all selected options of the given select matches the given pattern.
      void waitForNotSelectedValue​(java.lang.String selectLocator, java.lang.String valuePattern)
      Waits until no value of all selected options of the given select matches the given pattern.
      void waitForNotStyle​(java.lang.String elementLocator, java.lang.String styleText)
      Waits until the effective style of the element identified by the given element locator does NOT match the given style.
      void waitForNotText​(java.lang.String elementLocator, java.lang.String text)
      Waits for the given text embedded in the given element to disappear/change.
      void waitForNotTextPresent​(java.lang.String text)
      Waits for the given text to disappear/change.
      void waitForNotTitle​(java.lang.String title)
      Waits for the given page title change.
      void waitForNotValue​(java.lang.String elementLocator, java.lang.String value)
      Waits for the given value in the given element to disappear/change.
      void waitForNotVisible​(java.lang.String elementLocator)
      Waits until the given element becomes invisible.
      void waitForNotXpathCount​(java.lang.String xpath, int count)
      Waits for the number of elements matching the given XPath expression change to a different value than the given one.
      void waitForNotXpathCount​(java.lang.String xpath, java.lang.String count)
      Waits for the number of elements matching the given XPath expression change to a different value than the given one.
      void waitForPageToLoad()
      Waits for the page to be loaded completely.
      void waitForPopUp()
      Waits for any pop-up window to be loaded completely.
      void waitForPopUp​(java.lang.String windowID)
      Waits for some pop-up window to be loaded completely.
      void waitForPopUp​(java.lang.String windowID, long maxWaitingTime)
      Waits at most the given time for some pop-up window to be loaded completely.
      void waitForPopUp​(java.lang.String windowID, java.lang.String maxWaitingTime)
      Waits at most the given time for some pop-up window to be loaded completely.
      void waitForSelectedId​(java.lang.String selectLocator, java.lang.String idPattern)
      Waits until the ID of at least one selected option of the given select matches the given pattern.
      void waitForSelectedIndex​(java.lang.String selectLocator, java.lang.String indexPattern)
      Waits until the option of the given select at the given index is selected.
      void waitForSelectedLabel​(java.lang.String selectLocator, java.lang.String labelPattern)
      Waits until the label of at least one selected option of the given select matches the given pattern.
      void waitForSelectedValue​(java.lang.String selectLocator, java.lang.String valuePattern)
      Waits until the value of at least one selected option of the given select matches the given pattern.
      void waitForStyle​(java.lang.String elementLocator, java.lang.String styleText)
      Waits until the effective style of the element identified by the given element locator matches the given style.
      void waitForText​(java.lang.String elementLocator, java.lang.String text)
      Waits for the given text embedded in the given element.
      void waitForTextPresent​(java.lang.String text)
      Waits for the given text to appear.
      void waitForTitle​(java.lang.String title)
      Waits for the given page title.
      void waitForValue​(java.lang.String elementLocator, java.lang.String value)
      Waits for the given value in the given element.
      void waitForVisible​(java.lang.String elementLocator)
      Waits until the given element becomes visible.
      void waitForXpathCount​(java.lang.String xpath, int count)
      Waits for the number of elements matching the given XPath expression is equal to the given count.
      void waitForXpathCount​(java.lang.String xpath, java.lang.String count)
      Waits for the number of elements matching the given XPath expression is equal to the given count.
    • Method Detail

      • addSelection

        void addSelection​(java.lang.String select,
                          java.lang.String option)
        Adds the given option of the given select to the current selection.
        select - the select
        option - the option to be added to current selection
      • assertAttribute

        void assertAttribute​(java.lang.String attributeLocator,
                             java.lang.String textPattern)
        Asserts that the value of the attribute identified by the given attribute locator matches the given text pattern.
        attributeLocator - the attribute locator
        textPattern - the text pattern that the attribute value must match
      • assertAttribute

        void assertAttribute​(java.lang.String elementLocator,
                             java.lang.String attributeName,
                             java.lang.String textPattern)
        Asserts that the value of the attribute identified by the given element locator and attribute name matches the given text pattern.
        elementLocator - the element locator
        attributeName - the name of the attribute
        textPattern - the text pattern that the attribute value must match
      • assertChecked

        void assertChecked​(java.lang.String elementLocator)
        Asserts that the given checkbox/radio button is checked.
        elementLocator - the checkbox/radio button element locator
      • assertClass

        void assertClass​(java.lang.String elementLocator,
                         java.lang.String clazzString)
        Asserts that the given element has the given class(es).
        elementLocator - the element locator
        clazzString - the class(es) string
      • assertElementCount

        void assertElementCount​(java.lang.String elementLocator,
                                int count)
        Asserts that the number of elements found by using the given element locator is equal to the given count.
        elementLocator - the element locator
        count - the number of elements
      • assertElementCount

        void assertElementCount​(java.lang.String elementLocator,
                                java.lang.String count)
        Asserts that the number of elements found by using the given element locator is equal to the given count.
        elementLocator - the element locator
        count - the number of elements
      • assertElementPresent

        void assertElementPresent​(java.lang.String elementLocator)
        Asserts that the given element is present.
        elementLocator - locator identifying the element that should be present
      • assertEval

        void assertEval​(java.lang.String expression,
                        java.lang.String textPattern)
        Asserts that evaluating the given expression matches the given text pattern.
        expression - the expression to evaluate
        textPattern - the text pattern that the evaluation result must match
      • assertLoadTime

        void assertLoadTime​(long loadTime)
        Asserts that the time needed to load a page does not exceed the given value.
        loadTime - maximum load time in milliseconds
      • assertLoadTime

        void assertLoadTime​(java.lang.String loadTime)
        Asserts that the time needed to load a page does not exceed the given value.
        loadTime - maximum load time in milliseconds
      • assertNotAttribute

        void assertNotAttribute​(java.lang.String attributeLocator,
                                java.lang.String textPattern)
        Asserts that the value of the attribute identified by the given attribute locator does NOT match the given text pattern.
        attributeLocator - the attribute locator
        textPattern - the text pattern that the attribute value must NOT match
      • assertNotAttribute

        void assertNotAttribute​(java.lang.String elementLocator,
                                java.lang.String attributeName,
                                java.lang.String textPattern)
        Asserts that the value of the attribute identified by the given element locator and attribute name does NOT match the given text pattern.
        elementLocator - the element locator
        attributeName - the name of the attribute
        textPattern - the text pattern that the attribute value must NOT match
      • assertNotChecked

        void assertNotChecked​(java.lang.String elementLocator)
        Asserts that the given checkbox/radio button is unchecked.
        elementLocator - the checkbox/radio button element locator
      • assertNotClass

        void assertNotClass​(java.lang.String elementLocator,
                            java.lang.String clazzString)
        Asserts that the given element doesn't have the given class(es).
        elementLocator - the element locator
        clazzString - the class(es) string
      • assertNotElementCount

        void assertNotElementCount​(java.lang.String elementLocator,
                                   int count)
        Asserts that the number of elements found by using the given element locator is unequal to the given count.
        elementLocator - the element locator
        count - the number of elements
      • assertNotElementCount

        void assertNotElementCount​(java.lang.String elementLocator,
                                   java.lang.String count)
        Asserts that the number of elements found by using the given element locator is unequal to the given count.
        elementLocator - the element locator
        count - the number of elements
      • assertNotElementPresent

        void assertNotElementPresent​(java.lang.String elementLocator)
        Asserts that the given element is not present.
        elementLocator - locator identifying the element that should be NOT present
      • assertNotEval

        void assertNotEval​(java.lang.String expression,
                           java.lang.String textPattern)
        Asserts that evaluating the given expression does NOT match the given text pattern.
        expression - the expression to evaluate
        textPattern - the text pattern that the evaluation result must NOT match
      • assertNotSelectedId

        void assertNotSelectedId​(java.lang.String selectLocator,
                                 java.lang.String idPattern)
        Asserts that no ID of all selected options of the given select element matches the given pattern.
        selectLocator - the select element locator
        idPattern - the ID pattern
      • assertNotSelectedIndex

        void assertNotSelectedIndex​(java.lang.String selectLocator,
                                    java.lang.String indexPattern)
        Asserts that the option of the given select element at the given index is not selected.
        selectLocator - the select element locator
        indexPattern - the option index pattern
      • assertNotSelectedLabel

        void assertNotSelectedLabel​(java.lang.String selectLocator,
                                    java.lang.String labelPattern)
        Asserts that no label of all selected options of the given select element matches the given pattern.
        selectLocator - the select element locator
        labelPattern - the label pattern
      • assertNotSelectedValue

        void assertNotSelectedValue​(java.lang.String selectLocator,
                                    java.lang.String valuePattern)
        Asserts that no value of all selected options of the given select element matches the given pattern.
        selectLocator - the select element locator
        valuePattern - the value pattern
      • assertNotStyle

        void assertNotStyle​(java.lang.String elementLocator,
                            java.lang.String styleText)
        Asserts that the effective style of the element identified by the given element locator does NOT match the given style.
        elementLocator - the element locator
        styleText - the style that must NOT match (e.g. width: 10px; overflow: hidden;)
      • assertNotText

        void assertNotText​(java.lang.String elementLocator,
                           java.lang.String text)
        Asserts that the embedded text of the given element does not contain the given text.
        elementLocator - locator identifying the element
        text - the text that should not be embedded in the given element
      • assertNotTextPresent

        void assertNotTextPresent​(java.lang.String text)
        Asserts that the given text is not present on the page.
        text - the text that should NOT be present
      • assertNotTitle

        void assertNotTitle​(java.lang.String title)
        Asserts that the page title does not match the given title.
        title - the title that should not match
      • assertNotValue

        void assertNotValue​(java.lang.String elementLocator,
                            java.lang.String valuePattern)
        Asserts that the value of the given element doesn't match the given value. If the element is a <textarea> this method asserts that the containing text doesn't match the given value.
        elementLocator - locator identifying the element whose value doesn't match the given value
        valuePattern - the value that doesn't match the given element's value
      • assertNotVisible

        void assertNotVisible​(java.lang.String elementLocator)
        Asserts that the given element is invisible.
        elementLocator - the element locator.
      • assertNotXpathCount

        void assertNotXpathCount​(java.lang.String xpath,
                                 int count)
        Asserts that the number of elements locatable by the given XPath expression is not equal to the given count.
        xpath - the XPath expression
        count - the number of elements that should NOT be equal to the actual number of elements matching the given XPath expression
      • assertNotXpathCount

        void assertNotXpathCount​(java.lang.String xpath,
                                 java.lang.String count)
        Asserts that the number of elements locatable by the given XPath expression is not equal to the given count.
        xpath - the XPath expression
        count - the number of elements that should NOT be equal to the actual number of elements matching the given XPath expression
      • assertPageSize

        void assertPageSize​(long pageSize)
        Asserts that the size of the actual page (including images etc.) does not exceed the given value.
        pageSize - the number of bytes the page size must not exceed
      • assertPageSize

        void assertPageSize​(java.lang.String pageSize)
        Asserts that the size of the actual page (including images etc.) does not exceed the given value.
        pageSize - the number of bytes the page size must not exceed
      • assertSelectedId

        void assertSelectedId​(java.lang.String selectLocator,
                              java.lang.String idPattern)
        Asserts that the ID of at least one selected option of the given select element matches the given pattern.
        selectLocator - the select element locator
        idPattern - ID pattern
      • assertSelectedIndex

        void assertSelectedIndex​(java.lang.String selectLocator,
                                 java.lang.String indexPattern)
        Asserts that the option of the given select element at the given index is selected.
        selectLocator - the select element locator
        indexPattern - the option index pattern
      • assertSelectedLabel

        void assertSelectedLabel​(java.lang.String selectLocator,
                                 java.lang.String labelPattern)
        Asserts that the label of at least one selected option of the given select element matches the given pattern.
        selectLocator - the select element locator
        labelPattern - the label pattern
      • assertSelectedValue

        void assertSelectedValue​(java.lang.String selectLocator,
                                 java.lang.String valuePattern)
        Asserts that the value of at least one selected option of the given select element matches the given pattern.
        selectLocator - the select element locator
        valuePattern - the value pattern
      • assertStyle

        void assertStyle​(java.lang.String elementLocator,
                         java.lang.String styleText)
        Asserts that the effective style of the element identified by the given element locator matches the given style.
        elementLocator - the element locator
        styleText - the style to match (e.g. width: 10px; overflow: hidden;)
      • assertText

        void assertText​(java.lang.String elementLocator,
                        java.lang.String text)
        Asserts that the text embedded by the given element contains the given text.
        elementLocator - locator identifying the element whose text should contain the given text
        text - the text that should be embedded in the given element
      • assertTextPresent

        void assertTextPresent​(java.lang.String text)
        Asserts that the given text is present.
        text - the text that should be present
      • assertTitle

        void assertTitle​(java.lang.String title)
        Asserts that the given title matches the page title.
        title - the title that should match the page title
      • assertValue

        void assertValue​(java.lang.String elementLocator,
                         java.lang.String valuePattern)
        Asserts that the value of the given element matches the given value. If the element is a <textarea> this method asserts that the containing text matches the given value.
        elementLocator - locator identifying the element whose value should match the given value
        valuePattern - the value that should match the given element's value
      • assertVisible

        void assertVisible​(java.lang.String elementLocator)
        Asserts that the given element is visible.
        elementLocator - the element locator
      • assertXpathCount

        void assertXpathCount​(java.lang.String xpath,
                              int count)
        Asserts that the number of elements locatable by the given XPath expression is equal to the given count.
        xpath - the XPath expression
        count - the number of elements that must match the given XPath expression
      • assertXpathCount

        void assertXpathCount​(java.lang.String xpath,
                              java.lang.String count)
        Asserts that the number of elements locatable by the given XPath expression is equal to the given count.
        xpath - the XPath expression
        count - the number of elements that must match the given XPath expression
      • check

        void check​(java.lang.String elementLocator)
        Checks/toggles the given element.
        elementLocator - locator identifying the element to be checked/toggled
      • checkAndWait

        void checkAndWait​(java.lang.String elementLocator)
        Checks/toggles the given element and waits for some activity to complete.
        elementLocator - locator identifying the element to be checked/toggled
      • click

        void click​(java.lang.String elementLocator)
        Clicks the given element.
        elementLocator - locator identifying the element to be clicked.
      • clickAndWait

        void clickAndWait​(java.lang.String elementLocator)
        Clicks the given element and waits for some activity to complete.
        elementLocator - locator identifying the element to be clicked
      • close

        void close()
        Closes the browser.
      • contextMenu

        void contextMenu​(java.lang.String elementLocator)
        Simulates a right-click on the given element.
        elementLocator - locator identifying the element to fire events at
      • contextMenuAt

        void contextMenuAt​(java.lang.String elementLocator,
                           java.lang.String coordinates)
        Simulates a right-click at the given coordinates (relative to the given element).
        elementLocator - locator identifying the target element
        coordinates - the coordinates relative to the given element
      • contextMenuAt

        void contextMenuAt​(java.lang.String elementLocator,
                           int coordX,
                           int coordY)
        Simulates a right-click at the given coordinates (relative to the given element).
        elementLocator - locator identifying the target element
        coordX - the X coordinate relative to the given element
        coordY - the Y coordinate relative to the given element
      • createCookie

        void createCookie​(java.lang.String cookie)
        Creates a new cookie. The new cookie will be stored as session cookie for the current path and domain.
        cookie - name value pair of the new cookie
      • createCookie

        void createCookie​(java.lang.String cookie,
                          java.lang.String options)
        Creates a new cookie.
        cookie - name value pair of the new cookie
        options - cookie creation options (path, max_age and domain)
      • deleteAllVisibleCookies

        void deleteAllVisibleCookies()
        Removes all cookies visible to the current page.
      • deleteCookie

        void deleteCookie​(java.lang.String name)
        Removes the cookie with the specified name.
        name - the cookie's name
      • deleteCookie

        void deleteCookie​(java.lang.String name,
                          java.lang.String options)
        Removes the cookie with the specified name.
        name - the cookie's name
        options - cookie removal options (path, domain and recurse)
      • doubleClick

        void doubleClick​(java.lang.String elementLocator)
        Double-clicks the given element.
        elementLocator - locator identifying the element to be double-clicked
      • doubleClickAndWait

        void doubleClickAndWait​(java.lang.String elementLocator)
        Double-clicks the given element and waits for some activity to complete.
        elementLocator - locator identifying the element to be double-clicked
      • echo

        void echo​(java.lang.String message)
        Prints the given message to the log.
        message - the message to print
      • mouseDown

        void mouseDown​(java.lang.String elementLocator)
        Presses the left mouse button on an element, but does not release the button yet.
        elementLocator - locator identifying the target element
      • mouseDownAt

        void mouseDownAt​(java.lang.String elementLocator,
                         java.lang.String coordinates)
        Presses the left mouse button at the given coordinates (relative to the given element), but does not release the button yet.
        elementLocator - locator identifying the target element
        coordinates - the coordinates relative to the given element
      • mouseDownAt

        void mouseDownAt​(java.lang.String elementLocator,
                         int coordX,
                         int coordY)
        Presses the left mouse button at the given coordinates (relative to the given element), but does not release the button yet.
        elementLocator - locator identifying the target element
        coordX - the X coordinate relative to the given element
        coordY - the Y coordinate relative to the given element
      • mouseMove

        void mouseMove​(java.lang.String elementLocator)
        Moves the mouse to the given element.
        elementLocator - locator identifying the target element
      • mouseMoveAt

        void mouseMoveAt​(java.lang.String elementLocator,
                         java.lang.String coordinates)
        Moves the mouse to the given coordinates (relative to the given element).
        elementLocator - locator identifying the target element
        coordinates - the coordinates relative to the given element
      • mouseMoveAt

        void mouseMoveAt​(java.lang.String elementLocator,
                         int coordX,
                         int coordY)
        Moves the mouse to the given coordinates (relative to the given element).
        elementLocator - locator identifying the target element
        coordX - the X coordinate relative to the given element
        coordY - the Y coordinate relative to the given element
      • mouseOut

        void mouseOut​(java.lang.String elementLocator)
        Moves the mouse out of the element's bounding box.
        elementLocator - locator identifying the target element
      • mouseOver

        void mouseOver​(java.lang.String elementLocator)
        Hovers the mouse over an element.
        elementLocator - locator identifying the target element
      • mouseUp

        void mouseUp​(java.lang.String elementLocator)
        Releases the left mouse button on an element.
        elementLocator - locator identifying the target element
      • mouseUpAt

        void mouseUpAt​(java.lang.String elementLocator,
                       java.lang.String coordinates)
        Releases the left mouse button at the given coordinates (relative to the given element).
        elementLocator - locator identifying the target element
        coordinates - the coordinates relative to the given element
      • mouseUpAt

        void mouseUpAt​(java.lang.String elementLocator,
                       int coordX,
                       int coordY)
        Releases the left mouse button at the given coordinates (relative to the given element).
        elementLocator - locator identifying the target element
        coordX - the X coordinate relative to the given element
        coordY - the Y coordinate relative to the given element
      • open

        void open​(java.lang.String pageUrlString)
        Opens the given URL.
        pageUrlString - the URL to open
      • pause

        void pause​(long waitingTime)
        Waits the given time.
        waitingTime - the time in milliseconds to wait
      • pause

        void pause​(java.lang.String waitingTime)
        Waits the given time.
        waitingTime - the time in milliseconds to wait
      • removeSelection

        void removeSelection​(java.lang.String select,
                             java.lang.String option)
        Removes the given option of the given select from the current selection.
        select - the select
        option - the option to be removed from the current selection
      • select

        void select​(java.lang.String select,
                    java.lang.String option)
        Selects the given option of the given select.
        select - the select
        option - the option to select
      • selectAndWait

        void selectAndWait​(java.lang.String select,
                           java.lang.String option)
        Selects the given option of the given select and waits for some activity to complete.
        select - the select
        option - the option to select
      • selectFrame

        void selectFrame​(java.lang.String frameTarget)
        Selects the given frame.
        frameTarget - the frame to be selected
      • selectWindow

        void selectWindow()
        Selects the top-level window.
      • selectWindow

        void selectWindow​(java.lang.String windowTarget)
        Selects the given window.
        windowTarget - the window to be selected
      • setTimeout

        void setTimeout​(long timeout)
        Sets the timeout to the given value.
        timeout - the new timeout in milliseconds
      • setTimeout

        void setTimeout​(java.lang.String timeout)
        Sets the timeout to the given value.
        timeout - the new timeout in milliseconds
      • startAction

        void startAction​(java.lang.String actionName)
        Starts a new action using the given name.
        actionName - the name of the action
      • store

        void store​(java.lang.String text,
                   java.lang.String variableName)
        Stores the given text to the given variable.
        text - the text to store
        variableName - the variable name
      • storeAttribute

        void storeAttribute​(java.lang.String attributeLocator,
                            java.lang.String variableName)
        Stores the value of the attribute identified by the given attribute locator to the given variable
        attributeLocator - the attribute locator
        variableName - the variable name
      • storeAttribute

        void storeAttribute​(java.lang.String elementLocator,
                            java.lang.String attributeName,
                            java.lang.String variableName)
        Stores the value of the given element and attribute to the given variable.
        elementLocator - the element locator
        attributeName - the name of the attribute
        variableName - the variable name
      • storeElementCount

        void storeElementCount​(java.lang.String elementLocator,
                               java.lang.String variableName)
        Stores that the number of elements found by using the given element locator to the given variable.
        elementLocator - the element locator
        variableName - the variable name
      • storeEval

        void storeEval​(java.lang.String expression,
                       java.lang.String variableName)
        Stores the result of evaluating the given expression to the given variable.
        expression - the expression to evaluate
        variableName - the variable name
      • storeText

        void storeText​(java.lang.String elementLocator,
                       java.lang.String variableName)
        Stores the text of the element identified by the given locator to the given variable.
        elementLocator - the element locator
        variableName - the variable
      • storeTitle

        void storeTitle​(java.lang.String variableName)
        Stores the title of the currently active document to the given variable.
        variableName - the variable
      • storeValue

        void storeValue​(java.lang.String elementLocator,
                        java.lang.String variableName)
        Stores the value (in case of a <textarea> the contained text) of the element identified by the given locator to the given variable.
        elementLocator - the element locator
        variableName - the variable
      • storeXpathCount

        void storeXpathCount​(java.lang.String xpath,
                             java.lang.String variableName)
        Stores the number of elements matching the given XPath expression to the given variable.
        xpath - the XPath expression
        variableName - the variable
      • submit

        void submit​(java.lang.String form)
        Submits the given form.
        form - the form to submit
      • submitAndWait

        void submitAndWait​(java.lang.String form)
        Submits the given form and waits for some activity to complete.
        form - the form to submit
      • type

        void type​(java.lang.String elementLocator,
                  java.lang.String text)
        Types the given text into the given input field.
        elementLocator - locator identifying the input field
        text - the text to be typed
      • typeAndWait

        void typeAndWait​(java.lang.String elementLocator,
                         java.lang.String text)
        Types the given text into the given input field and waits for some activity to complete.
        elementLocator - locator identifying the input field
        text - the text to be typed
      • uncheck

        void uncheck​(java.lang.String elementLocator)
        Unchecks the given checkbox/radio button.
        elementLocator - locator identifying the checkbox/radio button
      • uncheckAndWait

        void uncheckAndWait​(java.lang.String elementLocator)
        Unchecks the given checkbox/radio button and waits for a page load.
        elementLocator - locator identifying the checkbox/radio button
      • waitForAttribute

        void waitForAttribute​(java.lang.String attributeLocator,
                              java.lang.String textPattern)
        Waits until the value of the attribute identified by the given attribute locator matches the given text pattern.
        attributeLocator - the attribute locator
        textPattern - the text pattern
      • waitForAttribute

        void waitForAttribute​(java.lang.String elementLocator,
                              java.lang.String attributeName,
                              java.lang.String textPattern)
        Waits until the value of the given element and attribute matches the given text pattern.
        elementLocator - the element locator
        attributeName - the name of the attribute
        textPattern - the text pattern
      • waitForChecked

        void waitForChecked​(java.lang.String elementLocator)
        Waits until the given checkbox/radio button becomes checked.
        elementLocator - the checkbox/radio button element locator
      • waitForClass

        void waitForClass​(java.lang.String elementLocator,
                          java.lang.String clazzString)
        Waits until the given element has the given class(es).
        elementLocator - the element locator
        clazzString - the class(es) string
      • waitForElementCount

        void waitForElementCount​(java.lang.String elementLocator,
                                 int count)
        Waits until the number of elements found by using the given element locator is equal to the given count.
        elementLocator - the element locator
        count - the number of elements
      • waitForElementCount

        void waitForElementCount​(java.lang.String elementLocator,
                                 java.lang.String count)
        Waits until the number of elements found by using the given element locator is equal to the given count.
        elementLocator - the element locator
        count - the number of elements
      • waitForElementPresent

        void waitForElementPresent​(java.lang.String elementLocator)
        Waits for the given element to appear.
        elementLocator - locator identifying the element to wait for
      • waitForEval

        void waitForEval​(java.lang.String expression,
                         java.lang.String textPattern)
        Waits until the result of evaluating the given expression matches the given text pattern.
        expression - the expression to evaluate
        textPattern - textPattern the text pattern the evaluation result must match
      • waitForNotAttribute

        void waitForNotAttribute​(java.lang.String attributeLocator,
                                 java.lang.String textPattern)
        Waits until the value of the attribute identified by the given attribute locator does NOT match the given text pattern.
        attributeLocator - the attribute locator
        textPattern - the text pattern that must NOT match
      • waitForNotAttribute

        void waitForNotAttribute​(java.lang.String elementLocator,
                                 java.lang.String attributeName,
                                 java.lang.String textPattern)
        Waits until the value of the given element and attribute does NOT match the given text pattern.
        elementLocator - the element locator
        attributeName - the name of the attribute
        textPattern - the text pattern
      • waitForNotChecked

        void waitForNotChecked​(java.lang.String elementLocator)
        Waits until the given checkbox/radio button becomes unchecked.
        elementLocator - the checkbox/radio button element locator
      • waitForNotClass

        void waitForNotClass​(java.lang.String elementLocator,
                             java.lang.String clazzString)
        Waits until the given element doesn't have the given class(es).
        elementLocator - the element locator
        clazzString - the class(es) string
      • waitForNotElementCount

        void waitForNotElementCount​(java.lang.String elementLocator,
                                    int count)
        Waits until the number of elements found by using the given element locator is unequal to the given count.
        elementLocator - the element locator
        count - the number of elements
      • waitForNotElementCount

        void waitForNotElementCount​(java.lang.String elementLocator,
                                    java.lang.String count)
        Waits until the number of elements found by using the given element locator is unequal to the given count.
        elementLocator - the element locator
        count - the number of elements
      • waitForNotElementPresent

        void waitForNotElementPresent​(java.lang.String elementLocator)
        Waits for the given element to disappear.
        elementLocator - locator identifying the element to disappear
      • waitForNotEval

        void waitForNotEval​(java.lang.String expression,
                            java.lang.String textPattern)
        Waits until the result of evaluating the given expression does NOT match the given text pattern.
        expression - the expression to evaluate
        textPattern - the text pattern that the evaluation result must NOT match
      • waitForNotSelectedId

        void waitForNotSelectedId​(java.lang.String selectLocator,
                                  java.lang.String idPattern)
        Waits until no ID of all selected options of the given select matches the given pattern.
        selectLocator - the select element locator
        idPattern - the ID pattern
      • waitForNotSelectedIndex

        void waitForNotSelectedIndex​(java.lang.String selectLocator,
                                     java.lang.String indexPattern)
        Waits until the option of the given select element at the given index is not selected.
        selectLocator - the select element locator
        indexPattern - the option index pattern
      • waitForNotSelectedLabel

        void waitForNotSelectedLabel​(java.lang.String selectLocator,
                                     java.lang.String labelPattern)
        Waits until no label of all selected options of the given select matches the given pattern.
        selectLocator - the select element locator
        labelPattern - the label pattern
      • waitForNotSelectedValue

        void waitForNotSelectedValue​(java.lang.String selectLocator,
                                     java.lang.String valuePattern)
        Waits until no value of all selected options of the given select matches the given pattern.
        selectLocator - the select element locator
        valuePattern - the value pattern
      • waitForNotStyle

        void waitForNotStyle​(java.lang.String elementLocator,
                             java.lang.String styleText)
        Waits until the effective style of the element identified by the given element locator does NOT match the given style.
        elementLocator - the element locator
        styleText - the style that must NOT match (e.g. width: 10px; overflow: hidden;)
      • waitForNotText

        void waitForNotText​(java.lang.String elementLocator,
                            java.lang.String text)
        Waits for the given text embedded in the given element to disappear/change.
        elementLocator - locator identifying the element whose embedded text should change
        text - the text that should change/disappear
      • waitForNotTextPresent

        void waitForNotTextPresent​(java.lang.String text)
        Waits for the given text to disappear/change.
        text - the text that should disappear/change
      • waitForNotTitle

        void waitForNotTitle​(java.lang.String title)
        Waits for the given page title change.
        title - the page title that should change
      • waitForNotValue

        void waitForNotValue​(java.lang.String elementLocator,
                             java.lang.String value)
        Waits for the given value in the given element to disappear/change.
        elementLocator - locator identifying the element whose value should change
        value - the value that should change/disappear
      • waitForNotVisible

        void waitForNotVisible​(java.lang.String elementLocator)
        Waits until the given element becomes invisible.
        elementLocator - the element locator
      • waitForNotXpathCount

        void waitForNotXpathCount​(java.lang.String xpath,
                                  int count)
        Waits for the number of elements matching the given XPath expression change to a different value than the given one.
        xpath - the XPath expression
        count - the number of elements currently matching the given XPath expression
      • waitForNotXpathCount

        void waitForNotXpathCount​(java.lang.String xpath,
                                  java.lang.String count)
        Waits for the number of elements matching the given XPath expression change to a different value than the given one.
        xpath - the XPath expression
        count - the number of elements currently matching the given XPath expression
      • waitForPageToLoad

        void waitForPageToLoad()
        Waits for the page to be loaded completely.
      • waitForPopUp

        void waitForPopUp()
        Waits for any pop-up window to be loaded completely.
      • waitForPopUp

        void waitForPopUp​(java.lang.String windowID)
        Waits for some pop-up window to be loaded completely.
        windowID - the ID of the window to wait for
      • waitForPopUp

        void waitForPopUp​(java.lang.String windowID,
                          long maxWaitingTime)
        Waits at most the given time for some pop-up window to be loaded completely.
        windowID - the ID of the window to wait for
        maxWaitingTime - the maximum waiting time
      • waitForPopUp

        void waitForPopUp​(java.lang.String windowID,
                          java.lang.String maxWaitingTime)
        Waits at most the given time for some pop-up window to be loaded completely.
        windowID - the ID of the window to wait for
        maxWaitingTime - the maximum waiting time
      • waitForSelectedId

        void waitForSelectedId​(java.lang.String selectLocator,
                               java.lang.String idPattern)
        Waits until the ID of at least one selected option of the given select matches the given pattern.
        selectLocator - the select element locator
        idPattern - the ID pattern
      • waitForSelectedIndex

        void waitForSelectedIndex​(java.lang.String selectLocator,
                                  java.lang.String indexPattern)
        Waits until the option of the given select at the given index is selected.
        selectLocator - the select element locator
        indexPattern - the option index pattern
      • waitForSelectedLabel

        void waitForSelectedLabel​(java.lang.String selectLocator,
                                  java.lang.String labelPattern)
        Waits until the label of at least one selected option of the given select matches the given pattern.
        selectLocator - the select element locator
        labelPattern - the label pattern
      • waitForSelectedValue

        void waitForSelectedValue​(java.lang.String selectLocator,
                                  java.lang.String valuePattern)
        Waits until the value of at least one selected option of the given select matches the given pattern.
        selectLocator - the select element locator
        valuePattern - the value pattern
      • waitForStyle

        void waitForStyle​(java.lang.String elementLocator,
                          java.lang.String styleText)
        Waits until the effective style of the element identified by the given element locator matches the given style.
        elementLocator - the element locator
        styleText - the style that must match (e.g. width: 10px; overflow: hidden;)
      • waitForText

        void waitForText​(java.lang.String elementLocator,
                         java.lang.String text)
        Waits for the given text embedded in the given element.
        elementLocator - locator identifying the element whose text should contain the given text
        text - the text to wait for
      • waitForTextPresent

        void waitForTextPresent​(java.lang.String text)
        Waits for the given text to appear.
        text - the text to wait for
      • waitForTitle

        void waitForTitle​(java.lang.String title)
        Waits for the given page title.
        title - the page title to wait for
      • waitForValue

        void waitForValue​(java.lang.String elementLocator,
                          java.lang.String value)
        Waits for the given value in the given element.
        elementLocator - locator identifying the element whose value should match the given value
        value - the value to wait for
      • waitForVisible

        void waitForVisible​(java.lang.String elementLocator)
        Waits until the given element becomes visible.
        elementLocator - the element locator
      • waitForXpathCount

        void waitForXpathCount​(java.lang.String xpath,
                               int count)
        Waits for the number of elements matching the given XPath expression is equal to the given count.
        xpath - the XPath expression
        count - the number of elements to wait for
      • waitForXpathCount

        void waitForXpathCount​(java.lang.String xpath,
                               java.lang.String count)
        Waits for the number of elements matching the given XPath expression is equal to the given count.
        xpath - the XPath expression
        count - the number of elements to wait for