Interface AttachmentHandler

  • All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface AttachmentHandler

    A handler for attachments, which represent pages received from the server which contain Content-Disposition=attachment headers. Normally pages are loaded inline: clicking on a link, for example, loads the linked page in the current window. Attached pages are different in that they are intended to be loaded outside of this flow: clicking on a link prompts the user to either save the linked page, or open it outside of the current window, but does not load the page in the current window.

    HtmlUnit complies with the semantics described above when an AttachmentHandler has been registered with the WebClient via WebClient.setAttachmentHandler(AttachmentHandler). When no attachment handler has been registered with the WebClient, the semantics described above to not apply, and attachments are loaded inline. By default, AttachmentHandlers are not registered with new WebClient instances.

    See Also:
    WebClient.setAttachmentHandler(AttachmentHandler), WebClient.getAttachmentHandler(), RFC 2183
    • Method Detail

      • handleAttachment

        void handleAttachment​(Page page)
        Handles the specified attached page. This is some kind of information that the page was handled as attachment. This method will only be called if handleAttachment(WebResponse) has returned false for the response.
        page - an attached page, which doesn't get loaded inline
      • handleAttachment

        default boolean handleAttachment​(WebResponse response)
        Process the specified attachment. If this method returns false, the client will open a new window with a page created from this response as content. Overwrite this method (and return true) if you do not need to create a new window for the response.
        response - the response to process
        true if the specified response represents is handled by this method
        See Also:
        RFC 2183
      • isAttachment

        default boolean isAttachment​(WebResponse response)
        Returns true if the specified response represents an attachment.
        response - the response to check
        true if the specified response represents an attachment, false otherwise
        See Also:
        RFC 2183