All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractAction |
AbstractAction is the base class for all test actions.
AbstractCustomSampler |
AbstractData |
The AbstractData class may be the super class of a special data record class.
AbstractDomNodeList<E extends DomNode> |
A generic DomNodeList implementation of NodeList .
AbstractHtmlPageAction |
AbstractHtmlPageAction is the base class for all HTML-based actions.
AbstractHtmlUnitActionsModule |
Base class of all flow modules.
AbstractHtmlUnitCommandsModule |
Base class of all command modules.
AbstractHtmlUnitScriptAction |
Base class of HTML page actions supporting script commands.
AbstractHtmlUnitScriptModule |
Base class of command modules.
AbstractHtmlUnitScriptTestCase |
Base class of all scripted tests that use the Action-based API.
AbstractLightWeightPageAction |
AbstractLightWeightPageAction is the base class for all HTML/XML-based actions which do simple page processing only.
AbstractLineParser |
Simple line parser that provides common functionality to parse given lines.
AbstractPage |
A basic Page implementation.
AbstractReportProvider |
AbstractResponseProcessor |
AbstractScriptTestCase |
The super class for all script-based test cases.
AbstractTestCase |
AbstractTestCase is the base class for all load test cases.
AbstractWebAction |
AbstractWebAction is the base class for all HTTP-based actions.
AbstractWebDriverModule |
Base class of all exported script modules that rely on the WebDriver API.
AbstractWebDriverScriptTestCase |
Base class of all exported script test cases that rely on the WebDriver API.
AbstractWebDriverTestCase |
A super class for WebDriver -based test cases.
AbstractXmlPageAction |
AbstractXmlPageAction is the base class for all actions that load an arbitrary XML snippet.
Account |
Special structure to hold user data for universal use.
ActionData |
The ActionData class holds any data measured for an action.
AjaxController |
This class is notified when AJAX calls are made, and has the ability to influence these calls.
AlertHandler |
A handler for JavaScript alerts.
AppletConfirmHandler |
A handler for Applets.
Attachment |
An attachment represents a page received from the server which contains a
Content-Disposition=attachment header.
AttachmentHandler |
A handler for attachments, which represent pages received from the server which contain
Content-Disposition=attachment headers.
BaseFrameElement |
Base class for frame and iframe.
BasicPageUtils |
The BasicPageUtils class provides common helper methods for its child classes.
BrowserVersion |
Objects of this class represent one specific version of a given browser.
BrowserVersion.BrowserVersionBuilder |
Because BrowserVersion is immutable we need a builder
for this complex object setup.
BrowserVersionFeatures |
Cache |
Simple cache implementation which caches compiled JavaScript files and parsed CSS snippets.
CharacterDataChangeEvent |
This is the event class for notifications about changes to the Character Data.
CharacterDataChangeListener |
Implementations of this interface receive notifications of changes to the Character Data.
ClipboardHandler |
A handler for system clipboard access.
CollectingAlertHandler |
A simple alert handler that keeps track of alerts in a list.
CollectingAttachmentHandler |
An AttachmentHandler implementation which creates an Attachment for
each attached page, collecting all created attachments into a list.
ConfirmHandler |
A handler for the JavaScript function window.confirm() .
ContentLengthValidator |
Validates the downloaded content length with the announced size from the HTTP header.
Cookie |
A cookie.
CookieManager |
CustomData |
CustomValue |
Data |
The Data interface defines the minimum functionality any data record must implement to be recordable by the
XLT engine.
DataLogger |
The DataLogger logs custom data for a specific scope to a log file, from where they may be read again
during test report generation.
DataManager |
The DataManager logs data records to a log file, from where they may be read again during test report
DataPool<T> |
This is a utility class that stores a limited amount of data objects and provides a way to reuse it later.
DataProvider |
The DataProvider class provides convenient access to a fixed set of test data strings, which is backed by a
data file.
DataSetIndex |
Annotation to specify the index of the test data set that should be use for a run.
DataSetProvider |
A DataSetProvider implementation reads one or more test data sets from a data file and returns them to the
XLT framework, which in turn executes a certain test case once for each data set (data-driven tests).
DataSetProviderException |
Thrown by a DataSetProvider implementation in case an error occurred when reading or processing test data set
DebuggingWebConnection |
Wrapper around a "real" WebConnection that will use the wrapped web connection
to do the real job and save all received responses
in the temp directory with an overview page.
This may be useful at conception time to understand what is "browsed".
DefaultCredentialsProvider |
Default HtmlUnit implementation of the CredentialsProvider interface.
DefaultCssErrorHandler |
HtmlUnit's default implementation of CSSErrorHandler , which logs all CSS problems.
DefaultElementFactory |
Element factory which creates elements by calling the constructor on a
given HtmlElement subclass.
DefaultPageCreator |
DefaultPageCreator.PageType |
The different supported page types.
DialogWindow |
A window opened in JavaScript via either window.showModalDialog
or window.showModelessDialog .
DisabledElement |
A marker interface for those classes that can be disabled.
DomAttr |
An attribute of an element.
DomCDataSection |
Representation of a CDATA node in the HTML DOM.
DomChangeEvent |
This is the event class for notifications about changes to the DOM structure.
DomChangeListener |
Implementations of this interface receive notifications of changes to the DOM structure.
DomCharacterData |
Wrapper for the DOM node CharacterData.
DomComment |
Wrapper for the DOM node Comment.
DomDocumentFragment |
A DOM object for DocumentFragment.
DomDocumentType |
A DOM object for DocumentType.
DomElement |
DomElement.ChildElementsIterator |
An iterator over the DomElement children.
DomNamespaceNode |
Intermediate base class for DOM Nodes that have namespaces.
DomNode |
Base class for nodes in the HTML DOM tree.
DomNode.ChildIterator |
An iterator over all children of this node.
DomNodeIterator |
An implementation of NodeIterator .
DomNodeList<E extends DomNode> |
A list of DomNode s which is both a W3C NodeList and a java List .
DomProcessingInstruction |
Wrapper for the DOM node ProcessingInstruction.
DomText |
Representation of a text node in the HTML DOM.
DownloadedContent |
Wrapper for content downloaded from a remote server.
DownloadedContent.InMemory |
Implementation keeping content in memory.
DownloadedContent.OnFile |
Implementation keeping content on the file system.
ElementFactory |
Specification of a factory capable of creating DomElement objects.
ElementFromPointHandler |
An interface to allow the user to specify which element to return for the javascript
document.elementFromPoint() .
ElementMissingException |
Indicates a missing condition when loading a page.
ElementNotFoundException |
An exception that is thrown when a specified XML element cannot be found in the DOM model.
EncodingSniffer |
Sniffs encoding settings from HTML, XML or other content.
EventData |
The EventData class is used to record information about arbitrary "events" that may occur during a test run.
ExclusiveDataProvider<T> |
Provides exclusive data access.
ExclusiveDataProvider.Parser<T> |
Implement this parser to use parsed
FailingHttpStatusCodeException |
An exception that is thrown when the server returns a failing status code.
FalsifyingWebConnection |
Extension of WebConnectionWrapper providing facility methods to deliver something other than
what the wrapped connection would deliver.
FormEncodingType |
A collection of constants that represent the various ways a form can be encoded when submitted.
FormFieldWithNameHistory |
Interface for form fields where the original field name still matters even once it
has been changed.
FrameContentHandler |
Interface to customize the handling of frame content.
FrameWindow |
The web window for a frame or iframe.
FrameWindow.PageDenied |
The different deny states.
GeneralDataProvider |
The GeneralDataProvider class is a general data provider for commonly needed test data objects that comes in
handy all the time.
GlobalClock |
This is a centralized global clock.
HeadedCsvParser |
Parses lines of a CSV file.
HeaderUtils |
History |
Representation of the navigation history of a single window.
Html |
Html constants.
HtmlAbbreviated |
Wrapper for the HTML element "abbr".
HtmlAcronym |
Wrapper for the HTML element "acronym".
HtmlAddress |
Wrapper for the HTML element "address".
HtmlAnchor |
Wrapper for the HTML element "a".
HtmlApplet |
Wrapper for the HTML element "applet".
HtmlArea |
Wrapper for the HTML element "area".
HtmlArticle |
Wrapper for the HTML element "article".
HtmlAside |
Wrapper for the HTML element "aside".
HtmlAttributeChangeEvent |
This is the event class for notifications about changes to the attributes of the
HtmlAttributeChangeListener |
Implementations of this interface receive notifications of changes to the attribute
list on the HtmlElement.
HtmlAudio |
Wrapper for the HTML element "Audio".
HtmlBackgroundSound |
Wrapper for the HTML element "bgsound".
HtmlBase |
Wrapper for the HTML element "base".
HtmlBaseFont |
Wrapper for the HTML element "basefont".
HtmlBidirectionalIsolation |
Wrapper for the HTML element "bdi".
HtmlBidirectionalOverride |
Wrapper for the HTML element "bdo".
HtmlBig |
Wrapper for the HTML element "big".
HtmlBlink |
Wrapper for the HTML element "blink".
HtmlBlockQuote |
Wrapper for the HTML element "blockquote".
HtmlBody |
Wrapper for the HTML element "body".
HtmlBold |
Wrapper for the HTML element "b".
HtmlBreak |
Wrapper for the HTML element "br".
HtmlButton |
Wrapper for the HTML element "button".
HtmlButtonInput |
Wrapper for the HTML element "input" where type is "button".
HtmlCanvas |
Wrapper for the HTML element "canvas".
HtmlCaption |
Wrapper for the HTML element "caption".
HtmlCenter |
Wrapper for the HTML element "center".
HtmlCheckBoxInput |
Wrapper for the HTML element "input".
HtmlCitation |
Wrapper for the HTML element "cite".
HtmlCode |
Wrapper for the HTML element "code".
HtmlColorInput |
Wrapper for the HTML element "input" where type is "color".
HtmlCommand |
Wrapper for the HTML element "command".
HtmlData |
Wrapper for the HTML element "data".
HtmlDataList |
Wrapper for the HTML element "datalist".
HtmlDateInput |
Wrapper for the HTML element "input" where type is "date".
HtmlDateTimeLocalInput |
Wrapper for the HTML element "input" where type is "datetime-local".
HtmlDefinition |
Wrapper for the HTML element "dfn".
HtmlDefinitionDescription |
Wrapper for the HTML element "dd".
HtmlDefinitionList |
Wrapper for the HTML element "dl".
HtmlDefinitionTerm |
Wrapper for the HTML element "dt".
HtmlDeletedText |
Wrapper for the HTML element "del".
HtmlDetails |
Wrapper for the HTML element "details".
HtmlDialog |
Wrapper for the HTML element "dialog".
HtmlDirectory |
Wrapper for the HTML element "dir".
HtmlDivision |
Wrapper for the HTML element "div".
HtmlDomTreeWalker |
In general this is an implementation of org.w3c.dom.traversal.TreeWalker.
HtmlElement |
An abstract wrapper for HTML elements.
HtmlElement.DisplayStyle |
Enum for the different display styles.
HtmlEmailInput |
Wrapper for the HTML element "input" where type is "email".
HtmlEmbed |
Wrapper for the HTML element "embed".
HtmlEmphasis |
Wrapper for the HTML element "em".
HtmlEndTagValidator |
Checks that a page has at least one closing HTML tag.
HtmlExample |
Wrapper for the HTML element "xmp".
HtmlFieldSet |
Wrapper for the HTML element "fieldset".
HtmlFigure |
Wrapper for the HTML element "figure".
HtmlFigureCaption |
Wrapper for the HTML element "figcaption".
HtmlFileInput |
Wrapper for the HTML element "input".
HtmlFont |
Wrapper for the HTML element "font".
HtmlFooter |
Wrapper for the HTML element "footer".
HtmlForm |
Wrapper for the HTML element "form".
HtmlFrame |
Wrapper for the HTML element "frame".
HtmlFrameSet |
Wrapper for the HTML element "frameset".
HtmlHead |
Wrapper for the HTML element "head".
HtmlHeader |
Wrapper for the HTML element "header".
HtmlHeading1 |
Wrapper for the HTML element "h1".
HtmlHeading2 |
Wrapper for the HTML element "h2".
HtmlHeading3 |
Wrapper for the HTML element "h3".
HtmlHeading4 |
Wrapper for the HTML element "h4".
HtmlHeading5 |
Wrapper for the HTML element "h5".
HtmlHeading6 |
Wrapper for the HTML element "h6".
HtmlHiddenInput |
Wrapper for the HTML element "input" of type "hidden".
HtmlHorizontalRule |
Wrapper for the HTML element "hr".
HtmlHtml |
A representation of an HTML element "html".
HtmlImage |
Wrapper for the HTML element "img".
HtmlImageInput |
Wrapper for the HTML element "input".
HtmlInlineFrame |
Wrapper for the HTML element "iframe".
HtmlInlineQuotation |
Wrapper for the HTML element "q".
HtmlInput |
Wrapper for the HTML element "input".
HtmlInsertedText |
Wrapper for the HTML element "ins".
HtmlIsIndex |
Wrapper for the HTML element "isindex".
HtmlItalic |
Wrapper for the HTML element "i".
HtmlKeyboard |
Wrapper for the HTML element "kbd".
HtmlLabel |
Wrapper for the HTML element "label".
HtmlLayer |
Wrapper for the HTML element "layer".
HtmlLegend |
Wrapper for the HTML element "legend".
HtmlLink |
Wrapper for the HTML element "link".
HtmlListing |
Wrapper for the HTML element "listing".
HtmlListItem |
Wrapper for the HTML element "li".
HtmlMain |
Wrapper for the HTML element "main".
HtmlMap |
Wrapper for the HTML element "map".
HtmlMark |
Wrapper for the HTML element "mark".
HtmlMarquee |
Wrapper for the HTML element "marquee".
HtmlMedia |
HTML Media element, e.g.
HtmlMenu |
Wrapper for the HTML element "menu".
HtmlMenuItem |
Wrapper for the HTML element "menuitem".
HtmlMeta |
Wrapper for the HTML element "meta".
HtmlMeter |
HTML 5 "meter" element.
HtmlMonthInput |
Wrapper for the HTML element "input" where type is "month".
HtmlMultiColumn |
Wrapper for the HTML element "multicol".
HtmlNav |
Wrapper for the HTML element "nav".
HtmlNextId |
Wrapper for the HTML element "nextId".
HtmlNoBreak |
Wrapper for the HTML element "nobr".
HtmlNoEmbed |
Wrapper for the HTML element "noembed".
HtmlNoFrames |
Wrapper for the HTML element "noframes".
HtmlNoLayer |
Wrapper for the HTML element "nolayer".
HtmlNoScript |
Wrapper for the HTML element "noscript".
HtmlNumberInput |
Wrapper for the HTML element "input" with type is "number".
HtmlObject |
Wrapper for the HTML element "object".
HtmlOption |
Wrapper for the HTML element "option".
HtmlOptionGroup |
Wrapper for the HTML element "optgroup".
HtmlOrderedList |
Wrapper for the HTML element "ol".
HtmlOutput |
Wrapper for the HTML element "output".
HtmlPage |
A representation of an HTML page returned from a server.
HtmlPageUtils |
The HtmlPageUtils class provides some useful helper methods to make dealing with HtmlPage objects
HtmlParagraph |
Wrapper for the HTML element "p".
HtmlParameter |
Wrapper for the HTML element "param".
HtmlPasswordInput |
Wrapper for the HTML element "input".
HtmlPicture |
Wrapper for the HTML element "picture".
HtmlPlainText |
Wrapper for the HTML element "plaintext".
HtmlPreformattedText |
Wrapper for the HTML element "pre".
HtmlProgress |
Wrapper for the HTML element "progress".
HtmlRadioButtonInput |
Wrapper for the HTML element "input".
HtmlRangeInput |
Wrapper for the HTML element "input" where type is "range".
HtmlRb |
Wrapper for the HTML element "rb".
HtmlResetInput |
Wrapper for the HTML element "input".
HtmlRp |
Wrapper for the HTML element "rp".
HtmlRt |
Wrapper for the HTML element "rt".
HtmlRtc |
Wrapper for the HTML element "rtc".
HtmlRuby |
Wrapper for the HTML element "ruby".
HtmlS |
Wrapper for the HTML element "s", a strike-through text style.
HtmlSample |
Wrapper for the HTML element "samp".
HtmlScript |
Wrapper for the HTML element "script".
When a script tag references an external script (with attribute src) it gets executed when the node
is added to the DOM tree.
HtmlSearchInput |
Wrapper for the HTML element "input" where type is "search".
HtmlSection |
Wrapper for the HTML element "section".
HtmlSelect |
Wrapper for the HTML element "select".
HtmlSelectableTextInput |
Abstract parent class to share SelectableTextInput implementation
and typing support.
HtmlSlot |
Wrapper for the HTML element "slot".
HtmlSmall |
Wrapper for the HTML element "small".
HtmlSource |
Wrapper for the HTML element "source".
HtmlSpan |
Wrapper for the HTML element "span".
HtmlStrike |
Wrapper for the HTML element "strike".
HtmlStrong |
Wrapper for the HTML element "strong".
HtmlStyle |
Wrapper for the HTML element "style".
HtmlSubmitInput |
Wrapper for the HTML element "input".
HtmlSubscript |
Wrapper for the HTML element "sub".
HtmlSummary |
Wrapper for the HTML element "summary".
HtmlSuperscript |
Wrapper for the HTML element "sup".
HtmlSvg |
Wrapper for the SVG element svg .
HtmlTable |
Wrapper for the HTML element "table".
HtmlTableBody |
Wrapper for the HTML element "tbody".
HtmlTableCell |
An abstract cell that provides the implementation for HtmlTableDataCell and HtmlTableHeaderCell.
HtmlTableColumn |
Wrapper for the HTML element "col".
HtmlTableColumnGroup |
Wrapper for the HTML element "colgroup".
HtmlTableDataCell |
Wrapper for the HTML element "td".
HtmlTableFooter |
Wrapper for the HTML element "tfoot".
HtmlTableHeader |
Wrapper for the HTML element "thead".
HtmlTableHeaderCell |
Wrapper for the HTML "th" tag.
HtmlTableRow |
Wrapper for the HTML element "tr".
HtmlTeletype |
Wrapper for the HTML element "tt".
HtmlTelInput |
Wrapper for the HTML element "input" where type is "tel".
HtmlTemplate |
Wrapper for the HTML element "template".
HtmlTextArea |
Wrapper for the HTML element "textarea".
HtmlTextInput |
Wrapper for the HTML element "input" with type="text".
HtmlTime |
Wrapper for the HTML element "time".
HtmlTimeInput |
Wrapper for the HTML element "input" where type is "time".
HtmlTitle |
Wrapper for the HTML element "title".
HtmlTrack |
Wrapper for the HTML element "track".
HtmlUnderlined |
Wrapper for the HTML element "u".
HtmlUnknownElement |
An element that is returned for an HTML tag that is not supported by this framework.
HtmlUnorderedList |
Wrapper for the HTML element "ul".
HtmlUrlInput |
Wrapper for the HTML element "input" where type is "url".
HtmlVariable |
Wrapper for the HTML element "var".
HtmlVideo |
Wrapper for the HTML element "video".
HtmlWeekInput |
Wrapper for the HTML element "input" where type is "week".
HtmlWordBreak |
Wrapper for the HTML element "wbr".
HttpHeader |
Various constants.
HttpMethod |
Represents the various ways a page can be submitted.
HttpResponseCodeValidator |
HttpWebConnection |
Default implementation of WebConnection , using the HttpClient library to perform HTTP requests.
ImmediateRefreshHandler |
This refresh handler immediately refreshes the specified page,
using the specified URL and ignoring the wait time.
IncorrectnessListener |
Interface to receive notification of incorrect information in HTML code
(but not the parser messages), headers, ...
IncorrectnessListenerImpl |
Keyboard |
Keeps track of the typed keys.
KeyDataPair |
A holder for a key/value pair that represents a file to upload.
LabelableElement |
A marker interface for those element that can be labeled.
LightweightHtmlPageUtils |
The LightweightHtmlPageUtils class provides some convenience methods for dealing with unparsed HTML pages, i.e. with
strings containing the page's HTML source.
LightWeightPage |
A simple page object for light-weight operations.
MimeType |
Utility holding information about association between MIME type and file extensions.
MockWebConnection |
A fake WebConnection designed to mock out the actual HTTP connections.
MockWebConnection.RawResponseData |
Contains the raw data configured for a response.
NamedData |
NameValuePair |
A name/value pair.
NetworkData |
The NetworkData class holds a certain web request and the corresponding web response if there was any.
NetworkDataManager |
NicelyResynchronizingAjaxController |
This AjaxController resynchronizes calls calling from the main thread.
NiceRefreshHandler |
This refresh handler performs an immediate refresh if the refresh delay is
less or equal to the configured time and otherwise ignores totally the refresh instruction.
NotYetImplementedException |
Thrown if a method is not yet implemented for some reason
but at least available from js.
ObjectInstantiationException |
Thrown if an object could not be instantiated for some reason.
OnbeforeunloadHandler |
A handler for onbeforeunload events.
OrderedFastHashMap<K,V> |
Simple and efficient linked map or better ordered map implementation to
replace the default linked list which is heavy.
Page |
An abstract page that represents some content returned from a server.
PageCreator |
Something that knows how to create a page object.
PageLoadTimingData |
PlainDataTableCsvParser |
Parses a line of a CSV file, extracts the values of interest, and returns them as a ValueSet .
PluginConfiguration |
Contains information about a plugin as available in JavaScript via document.navigator.plugins ,
as well as the associated mime types.
PluginConfiguration.MimeType |
Holds information about a single mime type associated with a plugin.
PostProcessedDataContainer |
PrintHandler |
PromptHandler |
A handler for JavaScript window.prompt().
ProxyAutoConfig |
Provides an implementation of Proxy Auto-Config (PAC).
ProxyConfig |
Class which centralizes proxy configuration, in an effort to reduce clutter in the WebClient
RefreshHandler |
A handler for page refreshes.
ReportCreator |
The ReportCreator defines the interface that report providers must implement to take part in report
ReportProvider |
The ReportProvider defines the interface that custom report providers must implement to take part in report
ReportProviderConfiguration |
The ReportProviderConfiguration interface provides access to general report generator settings as well as to
report provider specific properties, which are both stored in the global configuration file.
RequestData |
The RequestData class holds any data measured for a request.
RequestFilter |
ResponseContentProcessor |
A ResponseProcessor implementation, which modifies the body of a web response based on regular expressions.
ResponseProcessor |
Using response content processors, one can modify the content of a response body right after download but still
before the content is being parsed or compiled.
RunMethodStateException |
This exception indicates, that the run() method of an AbstractAction has already been called.
Screen |
Screen .
ScriptCommands |
Selenium-like commands supported by the XLT framework and the script developer.
ScriptElement |
An element which can handle scripts.
ScriptElementSupport |
A helper class to be used by elements which support ScriptElement .
ScriptException |
An exception that will be thrown if an error occurs during the processing of
a script.
ScriptName |
ScriptPreProcessor |
A script pre processor call back.
ScriptResult |
This object contains the result of executing a chunk of script code.
ScriptTestCaseSuite |
A special test case class, which acts as a suite of script test cases.
SerializableLock |
Helper because we need a serializable lock object for our serializable classes.
Session |
The Session object is the runtime context during one run of a certain test case.
SessionShutdownListener |
By implementing the SessionShutdownListener interface custom code gets the chance to be notified by the
framework when the current session is about to be terminated (cleared).
SgmlPage |
A basic class of Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML), e.g.
SilentCssErrorHandler |
Implementation of CSSErrorHandler which ignores all CSS problems.
SimpleArrayList<T> |
Inexpensive (partial) list implementation.
SimpleCsvParser |
Parses lines of a CSV file.
StandardValidator |
This validator groups the four most common validators into one to make the integration into the code easier.
StaticScriptCommands |
Static versions of the Selenium-like commands supported by the XLT framework and the script developer.
StatusHandler |
A handler for changes to window.status .
StorageHolder |
Holder for different types of storages.
StorageHolder.Type |
Type for Storage.
StringUtils |
String utilities class for utility functions not covered by third party libraries.
StringWebResponse |
A simple WebResponse created from a string.
SubmittableElement |
An element that can have it's values sent to the server during a form submit.
TableRowGroup |
Superclass for the wrappers for the HTML elements "thead", "tbody" and "tfoot".
TextPage |
A generic page that will be returned for any text related content.
ThreadedRefreshHandler |
This refresh handler spawns a new thread that waits the specified
number of seconds before refreshing the specified page, using the
specified URL.
TimerData |
The TimerData class is the super class for all timer-based data records.
TopLevelWindow |
A window representing a top level browser window.
TransactionData |
UnexpectedPage |
A generic page that is returned whenever an unexpected content type is returned by the server.
UnexpectedPageTypeException |
An exception to indicate that the wrong page type was loaded and the conversion to an XML or HTML page would fail.
UnknownElementFactory |
A factory for elements encountered in parsing the input which are not represented
by dedicated element classes.
UrlUtils |
URL utilities class that makes it easy to create new URLs based off of old URLs
without having to assemble or parse them yourself.
URLUtils |
This class provides some convenient methods for link processing.
ValidatableElement |
An element that supports client side validation based on
the Constraint validation API.
ValueSet |
A ValueSet(long) describes a collection of data, accompanied by an optional timestamp.
Version |
Class to display version information about HtmlUnit.
WaitingRefreshHandler |
This refresh handler waits the specified number of seconds (or a user defined maximum)
before refreshing the specified page, using the specified URL.
WebAssert |
Utility class which contains standard assertions for HTML pages.
WebClient |
The main starting point in HtmlUnit: this class simulates a web browser.
WebClient.PooledCSS3Parser |
This is a poolable CSS3Parser which can be reused automatically when closed.
WebClientInternals |
Represents a ways to get notified about internal objects.
WebClientInternals.Listener |
A listener for internal events.
WebClientOptions |
WebClientUtils |
Utility class containing miscellaneous WebClient -related methods.
WebConnection |
An object which handles the actual communication portion of page retrieval/submission.
WebConnectionWrapper |
Provides a convenient implementation of the WebConnection interface that can be subclassed by developers
wishing to adapt a particular WebConnection.
WebConsole |
This class can be used to print messages to the logger.
WebConsole.Logger |
A simple logging interface abstracting logging APIs.
WebDriverCustomModule |
Defines the operations of custom modules, which can be used in script-based test cases.
WebRequest |
Parameter object for making web requests.
WebRequest.HttpHint |
WebResponse |
A response from a web server.
WebResponseData |
Simple data object to simplify WebResponse creation.
WebResponseWrapper |
Provides a convenient implementation of the WebResponse interface that can be subclassed
by developers wishing to adapt a particular WebResponse.
WebVitalData |
The WebVitalData stores a single observation for a certain Web Vital in a certain action as a 'double' value.
WebWindow |
An interface that represents one window in a browser.
WebWindowAdapter |
An adapter for the WebWindowListener interface.
WebWindowEvent |
An event that will be fired when a WebWindow changes.
WebWindowImpl |
Base class for common WebWindow functionality.
WebWindowListener |
A listener for WebWindowEvent's.
WebWindowNotFoundException |
Exception to indicate that no WebWindow could be found that matched
a given name.
XHtmlPage |
A representation of an XHTML page returned from a server.
XHTMLValidator |
This validator executes JTidy to check the returned HTML code for standard conformance.
XltCharBuffer |
This class does not implement the CharBuffer of the JDK, but uses the idea of a shared character array with views.
XltChromeDriver |
An extended ChromeDriver which allows to record data about requests and browser events or to run Chrome with
a virtual display.
XltChromeDriver.Builder |
XltDriver |
Extended version of HtmlUnitDriver which just uses the XLT web client.
XltException |
The base class for all XLT exceptions.
XltFirefoxDriver |
An extended FirefoxDriver which allows to record data about requests and browser events or to run Firefox
with a virtual display.
XltFirefoxDriver.Builder |
XltLogger |
Class to define all global needed loggers and their properties.
XltProperties |
The property keeper.
XltRandom |
Utility class for random numbers and strings.
XmlPage |
A page that will be returned for response with content type "text/xml".
XmlSerializer |
Utility to handle conversion from HTML code to XML string.
XmlUtils |
Provides facility method to work with XML responses.